Wednesday 7 April 2010

It is the selling of losers that is the wealth-maximizing strategy!

Many investors will not sell anything at a loss because they don't want to give up the hope of making their money back. Meanwhile, they could be making money somewhere else.

So, do you behave in a rational manner and predominately sell losers, or are you affected by your psychology and have a tendency to sell your winners? 

This is not a recommendation to sell a stock as soon as it goes down in price - stock prices do frequently fluctuate. Instead, the disposition effect refers to hanging on to stocks that have fallen during the past six or nine months, when you really should be considering selling them. 

Don't hang on to chronic losers! Not only do you lose, but you also lose the out on opportunities to gain. If it's broke, fix it!

It is the selling of losers that is the wealth-maximizing strategy!


Emodons Rule

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