Saturday 10 April 2010

Tickle yourself with these same questions

So you think you can save?

Jessica Gardner
March 28, 2010

What was your first job? Dancing at the age of seven on a telethon back in 1987 with So You Think You Can Dance judge Jason Coleman and choreographer Kelley Abbey.
What did you get paid? Oh, I can't remember but I'm sure it wasn't much.
Are you a saver or a spender? Thanks to my father, I'm a saver. Working as a child actor and dancer, I managed to save quite a bit of money growing up, which became the deposit for my first apartment when I was 20.
What was your biggest splurge? I have to say clothes. If I like something, I very rarely look at the price tag. I've gotta have it!
What was your best bargain? I got a pair of Nike high tops fairly recently for under $60. Score!
What was the best thing you've got free of charge? Since I started on the show, I've had so many wonderful things for free. My favourite would be the entire Rock Band set for Wii.
What is your greatest money-saving secret? Open an account that you can't touch for a long time, halve your wage and put it in there. You'll earn a bunch of interest and you'll be surprised how much you'll make.
What's the best piece of investment advice you have heard? Property is a pretty good investment. Just wait for the recession to be over.
What's the best piece of investment advice you've actually acted upon? Buy an investment property while owning the apartment I was living in. It paid for itself and was a dream.
Credit cards are: a) Great; b) Helpful; c) A poor investment; d) The work of the devil? Why? D. It's scary to spend money you don't have. The bills build up quickly. It scares the hell out of me.
If I were given $20,000 I would buy ... a brand new wardrobe. Labels and all.
If I were given $20,000, I would invest in ... property.
I wish I had $1 for every time ... someone asked if I had any hair under my hat.
I'd be a millionaire if I gave up ... nothing. It's going to take me a long time to get there ... if ever!
Source: The Sun-Herald


Best to grow with what you know

Jessica Gardner
April 6, 2010

What was your first job? Working in my dad's nursery when I was 10. I got to fill the boiler, weed, pot up and water plants and serve customers.
What did you get paid? I got the same pocket money that I would have got if I hadn't done anything. Which, if I remember that far back, was nothing.
Are you a saver or a spender? I see myself as a saver with no qualms if I see something that I really want.
What was your biggest splurge? Antique gardening books. I just love the look and feel of them and the fact that even if it was written in 1675 the advice is still pertinent to this day.
What was the best thing you've got free? The best freebie has to be the plants people gave back to me that I had lost after the Ash Wednesday fires.
What is your greatest money saving secret? Return everything organic to my garden — it saves on fertiliser.
What's the best piece of investment advice you have heard? Put your money into something that you know a lot about.
What's the best piece of investment advice you've actually acted upon? As above. I put my money into my passion for plants. I opened a nursery so my hobby and my income are one.
Credit Cards are:
a) great
b) helpful
c) a poor investment
d) work of the devil?
Why? They are helpful if used when needed and not all the time. They are so much better than travellers cheques when overseas.
If I were given $20,000 I would buy ... after I got up off the floor, I would book those tickets to Namibia.
If I were given $20,000 I would invest in ... antiques and art, as you get to live with your investment and enjoy it.
I wish I had $1 for every time ... someone apologised for asking me a gardening question over dinner but then asked it anyway.
I'd be a millionaire if I gave up ... trying to sell weird plants that only a nutter like me wants.

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