Friday 7 May 2010

A quick look at Guinness (7.5.2010)

A quick look at Guinness (7.5.2010)

Guinness Anchor 3Q net profit up 42.5% to RM46.5m
Written by Surin Murugiah
Friday, 07 May 2010

KUALA LUMPUR: GUINNESS ANCHOR BHD []'s net profit for the third quarter ended March 31, 2010 rose 42.5% to RM46.46 million from RM32.6 million a year earlier, on the back of a 17.8% increase in revenue to RM370.82 million.

Earnings per share rose to 15.38 sen from 10.79 sen a year ago.

Managing director Charles Ireland said on Friday, May 7 the sales and profit increase was partly due to the later timing of the Chinese New Year celebrations, a traditional driver of sales of the malt liquor market.

Ireland said GAB's third quarter performance had further extended its position as Malaysia's market leader in the MLM, adding that as of end of FY09 ended June 30, GAB recorded eight successive years of volume, revenue and profit growth.

"I am happy to report that GAB is on track to meet our targeted full year results for FY10 ending June 2010," he said.

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