Friday 11 June 2010

Common Stock Market Mistakes

Common Stock Market Mistakes

 Jun.02, 2010

Stock market trading can be an interesting way of building your wealth and can lead to a lot of interesting learning experiences. There are a few mistakes that most newbie’s tend to repeat over and over again which harm their returns.

The first mistake that people tend to make when investing into the stock market is watching the news. The only thing the news is good for is making you panic and bringing emotions into the mix. You don’t need to watch the news to be a great trader. In fact staying away from other opinions and trusting yourself can be a bonus in the market.

The news has the tendency of pushing your emotional button and makes you do foolish things that you will regret later on. Instead of making decisions based on fear and greed conduct your own research to see how strong a company is yourself and create a game plan for what qualifies as a good buy,

One other mistake that people tend to make is to second guess themselves. They may enter into a position for one reason but get out for a completely different reason and not follow their original game plan. This is not always a bad thing. If you got into a stock because it was a hot stock tip and you really had no reason to get into it in the first place, (which you should never do), then of course second guessing that decision is important.

But if you actually have a plan that is another story. If you bought a stock at $50 and planed to exit out at $65 or cut your losses short at $45 there is no point in getting out at $49 just because you are scared that you might actually lose more money. Create a plan and stick with it.

The last major mistake that people make is not limiting their losses. Having some plan on limiting your losses whether it be through diversification or stop losses and money management every successful market participant limits their losses.

If you work hard at it there is no limit to what you can do with the stock market. It can be a very powerful tool for creating wealth.

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