Thursday 3 June 2010

Investment Strategies and Theories You Must Know for Greater Investment Success!

Warren Buffett once said, "To invest successfully over a lifetime does not require a stratospheric I.Q., unusual business insight or inside information.  What is needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework."

Posted here are some basic foundations to help you develop your own investment strategy and to help you make better investment decisions.  These are also the investment strategies and theories you must know for greater investment success!

Investment Styles
"Your 'Basic Advantage' is to be able to think for yourself."  Wisdom from Benjamin Graham.

Different Investment Styles
Value Investing
Growth Investing
Stock Pickers
Market Capitalisations
Value and Small Cap Stocks
Top-down Approach
Bottom-up Approach
Benchmark Investing vs Absolute Return Investing

Methods of Securities Selection
Fundamental Analysis
Technical Analysis
Techno-fundamental Analysis
Limitations of Fundamental and Technical Analysis


Investment Strategies and Theories
"You need a strategy and sound approach before you invest."  Anonymous

Short-term Strategies
Short Selling
Margin Investing
Momentum Investing - "Buy High, Sell Higher"
Sideway Trends

Long-term Strategies
Buy and Hold
Dollar-cost Averaging
Ladder Investing

Managing Risk 
Danger of Owning Too Many Stocks
Modern Portfolio Theory
Limitations of the Modern Portfolio Theory
Asset Allocation
Criticism of the Asset Allocation Strategy


Portfolio Management Strategies
"Successful investing is more than buy, hold and forget."  Anonymous

Static Asset Allocation
(i) Buy-and-Hold
(ii) Strategic Asset Allocation

Flexible Allocations
(i) Tactical Asset Allocation
(ii)  Dynamic Asset Allocation

Core-satellite Portfolio Management

Alternative Strategy - A Trader's Approach
Short Term Trading


Limit Your Losses
"Survive first and make money afterwards."  George Soros

The Evolution of Buy-and-Hold Advice
Efficient Market Hypothesis
Random Walk Theory
Merits of the Buy-and-Hold Method
Weaknesses of the Buy-and-Hold Method

Forgotten History of a Sideways Market
Futile Asset Allocation Strategies

The Easy Way Out?
Transaction Costs
Limitation of Traditional Investment Funds

Market Anomalies
Value Investing
Neglected Stocks
Low-priced Stocks
Small Cap Stocks
Investors' Irrationality

How to Prevent Big Losses
Rule No. 1 - Set and Apply Stop-Loss Rules
Rule No. 2 - Do Your Homework
Rule No. 3 - Look for Margin of Safety
Rule No. 4 - Do Not Bet Too Much at One Go
Rule No. 5 - Do Not Over Diversify
Rule No. 6 - The Trend is Your Friend, Until It Bends
Rule No. 7 - Avoid Deadly "Price Bubbles" When They Pop

Ref:  How to Be a Successful Investor by William Cai

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