Saturday 3 July 2010

Acquiring "seed money" for investing

There are those who are born rich.  Excluding this group, what other ways are there for one to acquire the "seed money" to launch oneself into an exponential growth path in one's investing?

A good education is an asset.  However, this too does not ensure wealth.  One need to be able to use the knowledge productively to acquire wealth.  The young will need to choose the right profession carefully.  Certain jobs or professions earn more than others.  For example, doctors, lawyers and accountants are big earners.  Contrast this with teachers, psychologists and others.  Those with reasonable incomes will take time to acquire this "seed money".  The rich professionals with very high income jobs may earn in the region of $500,000 to $1,000,000 per year and can start on the exponential growth path of investing almost immediately.

Another group is the rag to riches entrepreneur.  These people lack the higher education of the professionals.  However, those who make it in business can be very very rich.  In fact, they are among the richest in societies.

I should also add that there is a fourth group, abeit a small one.  They marry into riches.

Having the "seed money" and with financial knowledge, time and compounding, all the above groups can launch themselves into the exponential path of growth in their investing, ensuring that their money works harder for them.  However, without the right financial knowledge and discipline, the "seed money" can also be easily squandered away.

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