Sunday 25 July 2010

How Much Stock Dividend Did You Receive in 2009?


While the annual dividend receipt of $5,000 is quite insignificant compared with my portfolio size of over $850,000, bear in mind it only comes from my individual stock holdings, which grew from about $200,000 at the start of the year to about $280,000 by the end of November. The $5,000 dividend payout, therefore, represents about a 2.0% dividend yield for my individual stock holdings.

It is amazing that at one point in November, Bank of America is yielding 6% and Citigroup is yielding 7%. It reminds me of 2002-2004 where I invested in R. J. Reynolds and Altria when they were facing apparently huge litigation risks and yielded over 5%. Am I bottom fishing again?

Value investing style drives investors to many companies that pay handsome dividends. Therefore, it is quite useful to ask the question: how much stock dividend did you receive in 2009?

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