Sunday 1 August 2010

A sound financial plan must address the insurance coverages you, your spouse and family members may require.

Risk Management
A sound financial plan must address the insurance coverages you, your spouse and family members may require.
  • Life insurance is used to pay for funeral expenses, repay outstanding debts, make charitable donations and provide living expenses for surviving family members. It can also be used to cover estate taxes and probate fees to enable your estate to be liquidated in the most appropriate manner.
  • Disability income insurance§ is to help partially replace income of persons who are unable to work because of sickness or accident. In terms of its financial effect on the family, long-term disability can be just as severe as death. Disability income protection can come from several sources: social insurance programs, employer-provided benefits, and individually purchased policies.
  • Long Term Care Insurance- Long Term Care Insurance is still a relatively new type of insurance product. Many people do not understand what long-term care insurance policies cover, how and when the policies pay benefits, and who should obtain coverage.

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