Friday 20 August 2010

Bullbear on temporary long leave from blogging.

I have decided to stop updating this blog for the next few months or so as I will be rather busy.  For those who have been following this blog, thank you for the encouragements and interactions.  I have certainly learned a lot from the many smart personalities in cyber world.

The first posting of this blog was on 1.8.2008:  Investment Policies (Based on Benjamin Graham)   Time passed quickly and it was fun to have explored, in some depth, this topic on investing.

Staying with an investing philosophy and strategy is safe and rewarding.  I follow Benjamin Graham's teaching closely.  It was a good experience to have invested during the recent years that included a severe bear market following the US sub-prime crisis and Lehman crash.  Those who have survived and benefited would have acquired valuable lessons very useful for their lifetime of investing.

Wishing all a productive and rewarding investing journey.


  1. Hi Bullbear,

    Your blog is a good read. All the best on whatever that you are going to be busy on. Do remember to be back to blogging :)

  2. Dear Bullbear,

    Thank you for taking time and making the effort in creating this wonderful blog to fundamental investment. It was a wonderful education.

    May God bless and guide you.


  3. writting investment notes are endless journey, like learning ........ It is not blog it is life time investment notes. cheer

  4. Thanks for your postings, ... your blog is like a treasure island for me where i keeps finding some value knowledge.

    Hope to see u soon again.

    Sian Lee
