Wednesday 18 August 2010

Rational look at the NEP - the Never Ending Policy

Two congresses, two directions — Tay Tian Yan

AUG 17 — Over the last weekend, the MCA held the Chinese Economic Congress. I think we can still remember that Malay rights group Perkasa had also held a Bumiputera Economic Congress about two months ago.

Perhaps, consciously or unconsciously, the MCA wants to eliminate the arrogance of the group and its president Datuk Ibrahim Ali. However, of course it is not the main objective of the Chinese Economic Congress.

It is not necessary to confront Perkasa, but there is need to surpass it.

There are great differences in terms of the themes, standards and atmospheres when the two economic congresses are compared.

The Bumiputera Economic Congress tried to resolve the current and future big issues with outdated mindsets and close-minded attitudes.

Meanwhile, the MCA’s Chinese Economic Congress discussed national economic difficulties and explored the way forward with forward-looking visions and open-minded attitudes.

No wonder Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak looked relaxed during his opening speech, which was very different from his expressions when he lowered his head while Ibrahim and others raised their fists and shouted slogans.

After the Bumiputera Economic Congress, Najib was told bluntly in the face by Ibrahim that the Malays have rejected the New Economic Model (NEM).

The Chinese Economic Congress, on the other hand, supported the NEM, and included it as the first item in the congress’ declaration.

The Bumiputera Economic Congress wanted to strengthen the distribution and quota system from a narrow racial perspective to protect the interests of some people.

However, it did not address national economic difficulties, including the lack of competitiveness, investment decline, budget deficits and low national income.

It rejected the NEM and insisted on continuing the implementation of the New Economic Policy (NEP). However, it failed to suggest any positive and practical ideas to resolve the bias and abuses of the NEP.

The frustrated remarks made by Ibrahim and others have triggered the sentiments of some people and exaggerated their discontentment and resentment. At the same time, they have also created fear, anxiety, disappointment and frustration in some others.

It is a kind of negative energies that could tear the country apart.

Meanwhile, based on knowledge and rationality, the Chinese Economic Congress was concerned about problems encountered not only by the Chinese community, but the whole Malaysian society.

Entrepreneurs and academic speakers have underlined the obstacles faced by the Malay community and recommended the implementation of genuine inter-racial business co-operation.

The congress also proposed to reform the economic system, enhance education, attract talents to return, and attach importance to performance and productivity. Instead of concerning only the interests of a single racial group, the congress concerned about the overall national interests.

The congress has conveyed a positive message and provided the country a positive energy to progress.

In a rational society, we do not need emotions to dominate our wills. Instead, we must know how to resolve problems. —

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or the publication. The Malaysian Insider does not endorse the view unless specified.

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