Sunday 10 October 2010

Financial Education: Play and learn about finance

Star Education Fair
Sunday October 10, 2010

Play and learn about finance


TO INSTIL the habit of savings and prudent financial management among the nation’s youth, Perbadanan Insurans Deposit Malaysia (PIDM or the Malaysia Deposit Insurance Corporation) recently launched an online competition.

Called “MoneySmart Online Game”, it is part of the corporation’s educational programme for secondary and tertiary education students.

Running for the first time this year with the support of the Education Ministry, the programme aims to reach out to students through road shows and talks in secondary schools, colleges and universities.

PIDM chief operating officer Md Khairuddin Arshad said that the competition was an initiative from PIDM to enhance public awareness on the role of PIDM through interactive activities.

He added that since the soft launch in July, roadshows have been held at over 100 secondary schools and about 25 higher education institutions. They are targeting a total of 200 schools by the end of November.

“The schools have been identified according to the ratio of urban and non-urban schools, and we make sure that this covers every state in the country.”

Education Ministry deputy director-general (general policy and educational development) Dr Khair Mohamad Yusof applauded PIDM’s efforts, saying that the ministry had always welcomed initiatives from organisations to support the education development of the young generation in this country.

He added that the teaching and learning process today required the involvement of society, and should not only be the role of an educator. Through a creative and interactive way, the project helps to enhance the knowledge and skills of all aspects of financial management to local students.

The entire programme, including the production of board games and comic books to be distributed to the schools, amounted to approximately RM1mil.

Md Khairuddin said: “I believe this investment will give good returns, and it is a part of our contribution to the country’s financial literacy growth.”

The online game competition, which depicts real-life stages beginning from the decision to pursue an education to the retirement stage will end on Nov 30.

The results will be announced early next year.

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