Saturday 16 October 2010

How to Avoid the 7 Most Common Investor Mistakes And Build Steady Profits No Matter What the Markets Do

Investor Mistakes  

How to Avoid the 7 Most Common Investor Mistakes And Build Steady Profits No Matter What the Markets Do

One of the most least understood truths of investing is this: Success in the game of investing depends more on not making investor mistakes than it does on picking big winners. Period.

Of course, finding a neglected small-cap stock and riding it to the stratosphere is exhilarating.  And nothing compares to the pure satisfaction of the hunt. (My comment: HaiO!! and Latexx!!)  But, as anyone who’s been around the financial markets for a long time will tell you, it just doesn’t happen very often. 

The real pros understand that success comes from sidestepping the traps-specifically, the mistakes that lure the unwary investor into unrecoverable disasters. 

Day in and day out, these pros follow a disciplined approach. They’re not swayed by talking heads and self-appointed market pundits who babble on about the next big thing. They’re confident in their ability to stay out of trouble and ride through the rough spots as they wait for the next good opportunity.

Click here to take a look at some of the top investor mistakes.

Seven Deadly Sins of Investing.”

Investor Mistake #1: Following the “Saturday Morning Hero” Will Lead to the Promised Land of Investing

Investor Mistake #2: A Few Weeks Is Long Enough to Wait for Huge Profits

Investor Mistake #3: You Should Only Buy Soaring Stocks, Using “Insider Knowledge”

Investor Mistake # 4: Wall Street’s Wizards Will Hit Home Runs for You

Investor Mistake # 5: There’s Always Another Tech Run-Up Just Around the Corner

Investor Mistake # 6: If You Listen to Enough Televised Investing Reports, You’ll Learn Something Profitable

Investor Mistake #7: Watching the Markets and Predicting Them Is the Key to High Returns

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