Thursday 7 October 2010

Is the KLSE overvalued?


KLCI 1462.27
Market PE of KLSE = 17.48
Earnings yield = EY = 1/PE = 5.7%
Risk free FD interest rate = 3.0%
Equity risk premium = 5.7% - 3.0% = 2.7%

Equity risk premium is the compensation investors require for holding stocks.
Equity risk premium = earnings yield (1/market PE) - the risk free rate.

More than 3.5%, market is undervalued
0.6% to 3.5%, market is fairly valued.
Less than 0.6%, market is overvalued

So, presently, by the above criteria of equity risk premium, the market is neither undervalued nor overvalued, and is at fair value.

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