Sunday 17 October 2010

Know the best Stock Market Investment Strategy of all times

The best stock market investment strategy is to give your self time to learn the process of investment. To learn the details of the stock market investment strategy one needs to be patient. Successful investors are like scholars and it takes time to become a scholar. this article aims at providing stock market investment strategy tips to its readers by listing below top three (3) steps of investment.

Stock Market Investment Strategy one (1) – start Investing form today
Best investment tip that can be given to a budding investor is that the stock investment is learnt best while implementing. Encountering mistakes and learning form ones bad decisions is the best stock market investment strategy. Staring the journey of investment with a plan is ideal. Setting up goals, organizing resources for investing and setting up time bound targets are basics of stock market investment strategy. the most common form of investment plan is linked to retirement form job. Suppose a man is 35 years of age and he wants to retire in next 20 years, then he must know how much ($) he shall have before retirement.

Stock Market Investment Strategy two (2) – know the business before buying its stock and keep your self informed about other investment options available.
Taking a course on financial investment is not such a bad idea. But of course not many will agree with me and rather my advice will go to deaf ears. So better I will share something which is more practical and usable. Before one starts investing in stocks it is important to know about what alternative investment options are available in the market. in order to set up a fool-proof stock market investment strategy it is most important to know what other options. until an investors know about other options he can never appreciate the magnitude and dignity of stock market investment. I can tell you there are majority of people who are in this business of stock market investment without even knowing the basics of investment. These are the people who have made this stock market investment strategy look more like a gambling than a profession. I will still repeat, investment are a profession of scholars and this is the reason why so many mediocre claim to know stock market investment. in reality, to invest like a champion investor, stock market investment strategy shall be developed only after one knows the key concept of business. and the best way to learn business is to read the financial statements of companies. Tell me how many so called investors have ever read a balance sheet and income statements of a company before buying its stocks. if one asks them about the importance of cash flow in evaluating the value of stocks they will give a blank mysterious look. But this is the difference between a champion investors and part time stock traders. Investors read financial reports for investing and traders reads morning dailies for some quick tips. Knowing a business before buying its stocks is the best stock market investment strategy.

Stock Market Investment Strategy Three (3) – Be a disciplined investor.
A disciplined, focused and a long term investor has been observed to outperform the market better than even the qualified investors. a disciplined investor can also be the one who has continuously invested in the diversified mutual fund. his value addition to investment in only limited to starting a systematic invent plan (SIP) and rest in done by the fund manager. a disciplined investor is also the one who keeps an eye on each and every market dips more than 15% and is prompt enough to pump his money in.

The best stock market investment strategy is to keep the process of investment as simple as possible. Invest with a strategy that complements your personality. if you are one who does not believing in taking lot of risks in life, then you are one to invest in blue chip companies. if you are more dynamic and has some spare money, then you can invest in mid cap stocks and funds. these stocks are very volatile, but if invested for long term then it may give above average returns.

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