Thursday 21 October 2010

Singaporean Investor sentiment high

Oct 20, 2010
Investor sentiment high
By Aaron Low
About 52 per cent of respondents in the survey believed their share investments will rise, compared with 46 per cent three months ago. -- ST PHOTO: BRYAN VAN DER BEEK

INVESTORS in Singapore are betting that the red-hot stock market will keep rising but they believe prospects for the property market have dimmed, a new survey said.

It found also that overall investor sentiment, which has been positive for the past 18 months, rose by five per cent in the three months to Sept 30, compared with the previous quarter.

About two-thirds of respondents here said their investments had brought in positive returns while around 63 per cent expect a higher return in the next three months. Such a positive outlook has been fuelled mainly by the strength of the stock market, which recently hit a 29-month high.

About 52 per cent of respondents in the survey believed their share investments will rise, compared with 46 per cent three months ago.

The survey was done by financial services firm ING Group, polling 3,755 affluent investors across 12 Asia-Pacific countries, including China and Singapore.

Remisier Desmond Leong attributed the bullish sentiment to the psychological effect of watching the stock market's march upwards. 'You may have doubts initially about its rise but when you see the market moving up, you jump in too.'

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