Saturday 6 November 2010

Buffett built Berkshire through four decades of stock picks and takeovers.

Buffett built Berkshire into a $US200 billion company through four decades of stock picks and takeovers. The billionaire, also Berkshire's chairman and biggest investor, oversees the CEOs of more than 70 units including car insurer Geico, power producer MidAmerican Energy Holdings and Dairy Queen. In February, Buffett bought Burlington Northern Santa Fe, the second-biggest US railroad by 2009 revenue, for $US27 billion.

Berkshire hired hedge-fund manager Todd Combs last month to help with investments as Buffett, the company's chief executive officer, prepares the firm for his eventual departure. Buffett, who manages stock and bond holdings as well as derivatives, hired Combs ``to handle a significant portion'' of Berkshire's investments, the company said on Oct. 25.

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