Sunday 14 November 2010

Vietnam: High grade apartment prices going down on profuse supply

Last update 08/11/2010 04:29:23 PM (GMT+7)

High grade apartment prices going down on profuse supply

VietNamNet Bridge – The more profuse supply and the lack of investment capital both have forced real estate developers to ease sale prices to attract more buyers.
Real estate developers have to slash sale prices

FLC Company has announced the plan to put apartments at FLC Landmark Tower project on Le Duc Tho Road in Tu Liem District on sale for the second phase. The apartments are being offered at 28 million dong per square metre. The registrations to buy the apartments should be made from November 1, 2010 to November 15, 2010.
According to FLC, the price of 28 million dong per square metre has been kept unchanged if compared with the price set for the second phase of sale, even though the prices of construction materials, and the prices of gold and dollar have increased sharply. Meanwhile, buyers would get the credit support from the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) and Techcombank. The two banks promise to give the loans worth up to 85 percent of the values of the apartments.
The fact that the prices remain unchanged – though in fact, if set against the dollar and gold prices, they have even decreased – shows the difficulties currently faced by real estate developers.
Not only the developer of FLC Landmark Tower decides to keep the sale prices unchanged. Other developers have also been trying to attract customers by launching promotion campaigns and offering other discounts to buyers.
Capitaland Ha Thanh, for example, the developer of Mulberry Lane project in Mo Lao town in Ha Dong District, has decided to offer the price discount of 10 percent to  thouse who buy two apartments at the same time.
Besides, buyers will be able to borrow money from VIBank to purchase the apartments. The values of the loans could reach 65 percent of the values in the contracts, if borrowers mortgage the apartments. The values of loans could even reach 90 percent of the values of contracts, if borrowers mortgage other kinds of assets for the loans.
Most recently, Lam Vien Company also announced that the actual sale prices of the high grade apartments at Richland Southern will be five percent lower than the initially announced prices. Moreover, buyers will also have the right to delay the process of making payment and be exempted from the management fee for the first two years.
Last week, a transaction selling a 170 square metre apartment at TSQ project in Ha Dong District was successfully carried out. The apartment was sold for $1150 per square metre, what real estate brokers in Hanoi consider as the lowest price among all the projects in the last six months (the project is expected to be completed in June 2011).
The gap between the original prices (the prices at which real estate developers sell apartments to buyers in the primary market) and the prices in the secondary market (the prices at which the buyers sell to other buyers in the secondary market) has narrowed by more than 50 percent. For example, the original price of a 104-square metre apartment at Usilk project is $850 per square metre. Previously, the gap between the prices was just 350-500 million dong, while now the gap has reduced to 150-160 million dong ($80 per square metre)
In the golden age of the high grade apartments ( in 2007 and first half of 2008), real estate developers announced new sale prices once every three months, and the new prices were always higher than the previous ones. By doing so, analysts say, they made people think that the prices would increase further in the future, thus prompting them to rush to buy apartments.
However, they have to change their strategy now, when the market has cooled down due to the global economic recession.
According to CBRE, a real estate service provider, in the second half of 2010, 10,000 new apartments in Hanoi were put on sale, raising the total number of new apartments on the primary market to 20,000. CBRE believes that the profuse supply will keep the apartment sale prices stable from now to early 2011.

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