Sunday 28 August 2011

Market Emotion Cycle


Market Emotion Cycle
(click for larger picture)

Fear and Greed tend to rule at market tops and bottoms. In the movie “Wall Street” Gordon Gekko says Greed is Good as the market soars higher. In market parlance the opposite of Greed is “Fear” which is bad for Investments. The market has a tendency to scare people out at the bottom and suck them in at the top. The market emotion cycle sees optimism turn to excitement, the thrill leads to euphoria and “Greed” slipping to anxiety, denial and “Fear” followed by desperation panic, capitulation, despondency ,depression, disgust and doubt. Globalization is upon us with what happens half way around the globe reported immediately and reflected in equity and bond market prices with virtually no delay. The problem is the global attitude influenced by events turns cold and hot with every movement. 

The international investor attitudes changes in sync with yesterday’s news reports. It is necessary to filter out news & views and find a comfortable way to invest through thick and thin, good and bad, bullish and bearish. The World of investments has become 24/7 with no down time to reflect on issues before human emotion has reacted. This has caused cycles of “Market Emotion & Commotion”. The rollercoaster of emotional reactions are addictive and contagious moving from one time zone to the next. Now is the time to carefully choose individual stocks based on their merit and not by recent popularity. 

There are many opportunities to make money but it requires action on your part, each stock selected must show risk/reward of at least 2:1. 

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