Thursday 1 September 2011

Peter Lynch on Stock Market

A lot of good advice on these topics:

Upsides of a downmarket.
Historical market rebounds.
Timing the market is not a Winning Strategy.
Why it's important to stay the course.
Don't listen to background noise.
Know your Time Horizon, stay invested.
Benefit of Regular Investing for Retirement.
Portfolio Diversification
Be comfortable with what you own.
How can Fidelity financial planning help you?

Nature of the Stock Market
Market went down 1% per month and 2% per month regularly in the past.
Once in 2 years, market went down 10% per month.
Every 18 months, some market somewhere was down 10% per month.
Once every 5 or 6 years, the stock market declined 20% to 25% per month.

Historical market rebounds
Over the last 15 years, there were 13 months when the market went down 8% or more.
Of these, 11x out of these 13, the market was higher subsequently.

Stay fully invested. Know your time horizon.
The market went down 10 to 12 x, I went down 10 to 12 x.
When market went up I went up.
The upside is more than the downside.
Need to know your own time horizon.

Timing the market is not a winning strategy
All the wealthy people in the world are not market timers.
You might be right to miss some declines.
However, market turned up very fast.
Over the last 15 years, missing the best 15 months (that is 1 month per year) ..
.. meant a fall of portfolio return from 11% to 3%.

Portfolio Diversification
As long as it makes sense.

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