Friday 14 October 2011

Smart Investing: Don’t Lose Money!

We’ve all been told that in order to create wealth we must take risks and invest, invest, invest. Between stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401(k)’s, IRA’s and so forth, people are feeling the pressure to invest because they have been taught that it’s the only way to wealth. The problem is many people are losing money. And, though some recover from losses (and some never do), losing money has a much greater negative impact on your wealth than gains do. Let me explain.
Impact of Losses vs. Gains
First, some basic math. I want to show you how losses hurt much more than gains help. Many people are under the impression that if they have a 20 percent loss one year and a 20 percent gain the next, then everything is okay and they’re back to their original investment. Unfortunately, this isn’t true.
Let’s say you invest $100,000. The first year, you lose 20 percent. You’re left with $80,000. The next year you make a 20 percent gain. How much do you have? Remember the “gain” must be calculated from the current value of $80,000, so a 20 percent gain on $80,000 would take your value up to $96,000. You’ve still lost money.
But what if you had a gain first and then a loss, would that make any difference? Let’s see: Again, you start with $100,000. Only, this time, you gains 20 percent off the bat. Now you have $120,000. The next year you lose 20 percent, leaving you with $96,000. There is no difference whether you gain first or lose first; the loss can happen at any point and will still have a greater impact than the gain.
Don’t Lose Money!
Remember the most important rule in
creating wealth, “don’t lose money.” 
In the end, no matter how you choose to invest your money, make informed decisions and look at all your opportunities.
Dan Thompson is a 25+ year financial expert and author of “Discovering Hidden Treasures.” He specializes in wealth creation and retirement planning.

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