Tuesday 6 December 2011

The adage is that if you are going to panic, it's best to panic early. When did you last review your investments?


The stock market's ups and downs have spooked investors. One survey said that the majority of investors hadn't changed their allocations – 72pc had kept their UK investments as they were, while 88pc had left their eurozone allocation untouched.
"Some people seem to be caught in the headlights, "unsure what to do as financial losses bear down on them, said Nicholas Boys Smith of Lloyds TSB International Wealth, which carried out the survey. Experts say avoid making knee-jerk reactions. The adage is that if you are going to panic, it's best to panic early.
But if you can't remember the last time you reviewed your investments, or your financial adviser hasn't been forthcoming, now is the time to give your portfolio an overhaul.
Tip: The bestselling multi-manager team at Jupiter expect markets to be resilient. Not surprisingly, their portfolios are light on European equities. They remain overweight in funds such as Invesco Perpetual Income, Newton Asian Income and First State Asia Pacific.
Algy Smith-Maxwell of Jupiter said: "My advice is to invest in high quality businesses that have a proven track record of paying healthy dividends. A dependable income stream should keep a cautious investor patient while the financial system undergoes a painful period of structural reform."


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