Thursday 15 December 2011

Don't Worry About the Market

A worry free wealth building strategy is to invest long term in the stock market.
Because history have proved that to profit from this simple, well known strategy, it doesn't matter in the short term if the market is going up or down.  You win either way.  There is absolutely nothing to worry about.
Once you commit to the "don't worry" attitude, you'll chuckle as you notice how many people worry, every day, unnecessarily, over which direction the market is moving.  "What a relief, the market  is having a good day" and "Oh no, the market is down" are frequently heard, but in reality, you have virtually no relevance if you are investing for the long term.
What is there to worry about?
By implementing the "pay yourself first" strategy, by investing a predetermined percentage, such as 10  percent of your income to yourself, you virtually guarantee that, over time, you'll amass a small fortune.  You simply put the money in, month after month, and leave it there.
If the market is going up, your investment is worth more money.  

Congratulations, you  win.
But if the market is going down, your next investment will afford you the luxury of purchasing more shares of stock at a lower price.  Congratulations, you win again!
As always, your external success begins with your attitude toward life.

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