Saturday 10 December 2011

Give a gift of financial knowledge to a child or grandchild.

Strategy: Give a gift of financial knowledge.

Best for: Gift-givers at all income levels.


Even if you're not in a position to make a financial gift to a child or grandchild, you can still take time to impart financial wisdom.

Even for very young children, it's not too early to start discussing big-picture concepts such as the benefits of delaying gratification today for a greater payoff down the line. 

And if a child is slightly older, you can share some specifics of your own approach to investing; it's amazing how many great investors say they got their starts by reading the stock tables with their grandparents. 

You might also share a good basic book about investingThe Wall Street Journal Guide to Starting Your Financial Life is a fine entry-level book for new investors; The Bogleheads' Guide to Investing is another great basic tome for entry-level investors.

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