Thursday 15 December 2011

While most people become poorer the older they get, Anne Scheiber became wealthier.

1. Anne Scheiber died in 1995 at the age of 101. For years she had lived by herself in a tiny run-down apartment in Manhattan. The paint on her walls was peeling and everything was covered with dust. Scheiber lived on Social Security and a small monthly pension which she began receiving when she retired from the IRS in 1943. At age 51, when she retired, she was making only $3,150 per year. Those who knew her say she was the model of thrift. She didn’t spend money on herself. When her furniture wore out, she kept on using it. She wouldn’t even subscribe to a newspaper, rather she went to the library once per week to read The Wall Street Journal. Norman Lamm, the president of Yeshiva University was literally blown away when he learned that this poor old woman left her entire estate to his university – $22 million! How did she do it? One day at a time. She had managed to save $5000 by the time she retired in 1943. She invested that in stocks. "By 1950, she had made enough profit to buy 1000 shares of Schering-Plough Corporation stock, then valued at $10,000. And she held onto that stock, letting its value build. Today those original shares have split enough times to produce 128,000 shares, worth $7.5 million" 

2. Anne Scheiber understood the value of investing for the long haul. Whether her stocks went up or down, she never sold it off. When she earned dividends, she kept investing and reinvesting them. While most people become poorer the older they get, she became wealthier. 

To Invest is not enough We must make Wise Investments.

Anne Scheiber could have invested her nest egg unwisely and died penniless. She became wealthy because she wisely invested her resources.

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