Saturday 7 January 2012

Anwar says will end racial discrimination if elected PM

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal

January 07, 2012
PETALING JAYA, Jan 7 — Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pledged last night he would rid the country of the “culture” of racial discrimination if he is elected prime minister, affirming that Pakatan Rakyat would uphold the rights of all races.
The PKR de facto leader said he would abolish the PTPTN undergraduate loan system, and not burden the poor with such mechanisms.

Anwar speaking at the ceramah in Subang Jaya on January 6, 2012. — Picture by Choo Choy May
“We will assist and help all races, that is our difference compared to Umno,” he proclaimed to a 2,000-strong crowd at a ceramah in Subang Jaya.
Anwar pointed out that upholding Islam did not give any Muslim the right to insult or bully non-Muslims, and that this act was against Malay cultural norms.
He recalled a time when a Chinese student (whom he named as Sui Lin) came to him to ask for financial aid to further her studies, and that her family could not afford to pay the university fees.
“This will be my stand. God willing when I get to Putrajaya I will make sure Sui Lin is protected as my daughter is.
“It is conscience, we need to have conscience,” Anwar said.
The 64-year-old grandfather charged that Barisan Nasional’s failure to govern the country has led to rampant corruption.
“The problem is that our system defends the corrupted,” said Anwar, specifically focusing on the scandal surrounding ....

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