Wednesday 15 August 2012

Tesco sales growth closer to rivals' levels - Kantar

Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:07am EDT

LONDON, Aug 14 (Reuters) - The rate of sales growth at Tesco
, Britain's biggest retailer, rose closer to the rates
of its rivals in the 12 weeks to Aug. 5, industry data showed on
    Market researcher Kantar WorldPanel said Tesco's sales
growth accelerated to 3.4 percent in the 12-week period from a
rate of 0.7 percent in similar data from the prior month.
    Sales grew by 6.2 percent at Wal-Mart's Asda,
Britain's No. 2 supermarket chain; by 4.6 percent at J Sainsbury
, the No. 3 player; and by 1.8 percent at Wm Morrison
, the No. 4.
    Kantar said the overall grocery market grew 3.9 percent.
    Tesco's market share was 30.9 percent in the 12 weeks, up
from 30.7 percent reported in the prior month's data and 31.0
percent in the same period last year. 
    "Shoppers might not yet notice it at the tills, but they are
starting to benefit from lower grocery inflation, with prices
now rising at 3.2 percent - the slowest rate for 18 months and a
sign that things are starting to look up," said Kantar retail
analyst Fraser KcKevitt.
    Following is a summary of market share and sales. 
                  12 wks to     12 wks to     pct change
                  Aug 5 2012    Aug 7 2011    
 Total till roll  31,175,890    30,392,490    2.6
 Total grocers    23,797,410    22,909,250    3.9
 Total multiples  23,283,470    22,378,000    4.0
    Market share (percent) and change in sales (percent)
                  12 wks to     12 wks to     pct change
                  Aug 5 2012    Aug 7 2011    in sales
 Tesco            30.9          31.0          3.4
 Asda             17.4          17.0          6.2
 Sainsbury        16.5          16.4          4.6
 Morrison         11.7          11.9          1.8
 Co-operative     6.7           7.1           -1.3
 Waitrose         4.5           4.4           7.4
 Aldi             2.9           2.4           26.0
 Lidl             2.8           2.6           11.8
 Iceland          2.0           1.9           7.0

Tesco sales growth closer to rivals' levels - Kantar

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