Thursday 18 October 2012

Buffett: His investment performance, widely documented, has been consistently superior.

Program trading, leveraged buyouts, junk bonds, derivative securities, and index futures have frightened many investors.  The grind of fundamental research has been replaced by the whirl of computers.

Throughout the last few decades, investors have flirted with many different investment approaches.  Periodically, small capitalization, large capitalization, growth, value, momentum, thematic and sector rotation have proven financially rewarding.  At other times, these approaches have stranded their followers in periods of mediocrity.

Buffet, the exception, has not suffered period of mediocrity.  His investment performance, widely documented, has been consistently superior.  As investors and speculators alike have been distracted by esoteric approaches to investing, Buffett has quietly amassed a multi-million-dollar fortune.  Throughout, businesses have been his tools, common sense his philosophy.

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