Sunday 14 October 2012

My First Post in this Blog was on 1.8.2008 on the Investment Policies based on Benjamin Graham's teachings.

I started my blog on 1.8.2008 and my first post was:

Investment Policies (Based on Benjamin Graham)
Summary of Investment Policies

It was highly educational to blog during that period at the start of the global financial crisis.  There were so much uncertainties.  

However, when you have a philosophy and strategy to guide your investing that is sound and safe, it was a great time to see if this can withstand the onslaught of a severe bear market.  Actually, you should not fear the bear market.  You should fear the bull market instead.

In June 12, 2009, when the market had turned, I reviewed my investing for the previous 12 months.  Here are my lessons learned from the recent severe bear market.

Here are 2 articles to guide investing in the different phases of the stock market.
What to Do in a Up (Bull) Market?

What to Do in a Down (Bear) Market?

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