Sunday 23 December 2012

Benjamin Graham's Mr. Market, a stubborn business partner who sometimes offer great deals or very expensive prices.

As buyers and sellers move the market price of a stock, the market will offer great deals or very expensive prices. This idea is represented by Benjamin Graham's Mr. Market. Graham used the idea of Mr. Market to represent a stubborn business partner that sometimes offers great deals or horrible prices. Your job as an intelligent investor is to determine which deals are of great value.

Benjamin Graham's Mr. Market

Mr. Market is your emotionally disturbed business partner.
You can't change his behaviour  ... but you can react to it!
Mr. Market is your servant, not your guide.

Mr. Market:  "Hey Guys!!!  Buy some stocks ... everyone's make money ... you can too.  I am making a lot of money, so are my friends."

Mr. Market:  "Watch out, I'll take your money.  The outlook for tomorrow is even worse, so don't ask!  If you think you can make money in the stock market, you are just kidding yourself."

Never follow Mr. Market's changing emotions.
Instead, remain calm and competent, and take advantage of the opportunities Mr. Market presents.

Mr. Market is your servant, not your guide. - Warren Buffett

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