Tuesday 23 April 2013

An apology is rewarded with a kiss. Change is in the air. Change for the better.

Yesterday, UMNO president Najib Razak urged Indians to forget the insulting remarks by Zulkifli, claimed that Indians had been warming up to him, and alluded to a photograph of an Indian man clad in BN shirt kissing him on the cheek. Thinking

In the latest development, 104 members of the Shah Alam division of MIC showed their displeasure by quitting the Indians-only party.  Shocked


Here is a view of Zul’s apology 

APRIL 22, 2013
How does he imagine all this will help him go against Khalid Samad in Shah Alam and win “101 per cent” in the May 5 general election?
Khalid was the one MP who stood side by side with the Indian community after the cow-head protest in Shah Alam even when it was not the politically smart thing to do.
What did Umno do? They got the cow-head protesters to pose for pictures with their vice-president after explaining the protest against a Hindu temple in Shah Alam.
Put him where he belongs, in the garbage bin of history. Thinking

In this video, Rafizi Ramli clarifies the difficulty of PR in accommodating Hindraf's requests in an electoral pact.

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