Wednesday 17 July 2013

It’s More Difficult to Build a Successful Business than Own a Share of it

It’s More Difficult to Build a Successful Business than Own a Share of it
It doesn’t take a genius for you to know how hard it is to make a profitable business. Initially, businessmen work day and night. Their efforts are sometimes based on risks – trial and errors. Ultimately, if you already have an established business, the rewards are endless. What I want to reiterate is that starting your own business warrants substantial effort, money, time, common sense and great sacrifices.
Now, comparing the amount of hardships and risks it would take to build a corporation than buying a share of an already successful business, I know one thing. Imagine how easy it is to buy a stock of a profitable business in your country. Think about the comforts of not being required to be present in the company’s office every day; of not having the need to make reports or fix business problems that may arise. No long, boring meetings. No discussions with the boards. You stay in the comforts of your own home or office cashing in dividend cheques. Even that miniscule task can be taken care of if you’re using a pledged account.

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