Friday 26 July 2013

Should I stay or should I go now? Five questions to ask before you quit your job.


When you’re a grad, nothing sounds more appealing than landing a dream job – but what happens if it doesn’t measure up in reality?
If your job isn’t what you thought it would be, what should you do? Stay? For how long? Should you go? How quick is too quick when it comes to quitting?
First of all, it should go without saying that bullying, harassment and safety issues should always be followed up with the appropriate representative in your workplace.
But if you simply don’t like your job, brace yourself, because The Naked CEO Alex Malley believes that if you find yourself in a job you’re really not enjoying, you should stick it out – leave only when you have found something positive to take away, even if it means working out your differences with a difficult colleague, or learning to “suck it up” when given mundane tasks.
Dealing with a disappointing job rather than quitting because you don’t like it could be valuable when it comes to looking for that next job. Unless you can use the experience in a positive way on your resume and in future interviews, the time you’ve invested in it so far is just one big waste of time.
Five questions to ask yourself before you say “I quit!”:
1. Have I done everything possible to improve my current work situation?
2. Do I have a realistic plan for getting my next job?
3. Do I have living expenses covered if I quit or if my new job falls through?
4. Do I have a reasonable explanation about why I’m quitting to share with future employers?
5. Do the people whose unbiased opinions I trust agree that I should quit?
If you answered no to even one of these questions, take a moment to think it through. The best time to quit a job is when you’ve made the most of the experience. And it helps if a better opportunity has already presented itself!
The important thing to remember is that it is just a job – it doesn’t define you as a human being – so try not to let it get you down. Learn from it and make sure the time you invested into it will be helpful when it comes to seeking your next role.
Have you found a way to deal with a negative work issue head on? Resolved the conflict you may have been having with your co-worker? Feel like you’ve learned as much as you can from this experience? We’ve just started the conversation. Share your experiences in the comments section below to help others.

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