Tuesday 24 September 2013

Prospecting for Good Quality Stocks at the Right Price at any given time.

There are about 16,000 publicly owned companies in the U.S. for you to select from.  There are also about 3 times this number (48,000) of publicly owned companies in the other countries for you to select from too.

With so many companies, of course, some are much better candidates for your consideration than others.

Of these companies, fewer than 2% are likely to make the cut so far as your quality standards are concerned.

And perhaps, only 5% of THOSE might be available at the right price at any given time- and even this could be an overestimate.


1000 stocks

Only 20 are quality stocks (20/1000 = 2%)

Of these 20 quality stocks, only 1 is available at the right price at any given time, if at all. (1/20 = 5%)

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