Tuesday 19 November 2013

Only rich at risk from London’s bubble

Only rich at risk from London’s bubble

Oct 7, 2013 : UK housing bubble fears have been exacerbated by Help to Buy. But Ed Hammond, property correspondent, tells John Authers the bubble is built on equity, not debt, and that the average home price remains below pre-crisis levels

Be cautious, first-timers urged
November 17, 2013

With a threat of mortgage interest rate rises in the near future, home buyers are asked to tread carefully.

The cost of getting behind with loan repayments is about to become potentially much higher.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/money/borrowing/be-cautious-firsttimers-urged-20131116-2xnn8.html#ixzz2l4qnver1

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