Wednesday 26 February 2014

Mr. John Bogle speaks on many issues related to investing. Don's listen to history.

Lange-Bogle 1: Investment vs. Speculation
Published on 4 Feb 2013
Noted IRA expert and estate planning attorney, James Lange, interviews Vanguard Group founder, John Bogle. Here, Jim discusses Mr. Bogle's history as a leader in the financial world and delves into a discussion of his newest book, The Clash of the Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation. Mr. Bogle explains his definitions of investment and speculation and tells us why he feels only one of these path creates wealth.

Lange-Bogle 2: Speculation - A Loser's Game
IRA expert and best-selling author, Jim Lange and John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, discuss the cultures of investment and speculation. Investment is about long-term wealth creation by investing in the growth of corporations. The culture of speculation is akin to betting, and in John Bogle's perspective, the house always wins!

Lange-Bogle 3: What Hurts the Everyday Investor Now
James Lange, CPA/Attorney and host of The Lange Money Hour and John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, go over the hard facts. Of the 33 trillion dollars that change hands every year in the markets, only 250 billion of it can be characterized as true investing. John Bogle speaks plainly about the mess Wall Street is in, and the role speculation has played in getting it there.

Lange-Bogle 4: Conflict of Interest in Our Broken System
John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, shares with Attorney and CPA Jim Lange, where he feels the system is broken and how we find ourselves in our current speculative culture. There is a critical conflict of interest that prevents our money managers, agents, and financial institutions from being true fiduciaries. Who is looking out for the interests of the shareholders?

Lange-Bogle 5: The 10 Gatekeepers of our Financial System
Noted IRA expert and estate planning attorney, James Lange and John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, discuss Bogle's broad indictment of the gatekeepers of our financial system in his newest book, "The Clash of the Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation." The gatekeepers of our system, according to Bogle, are more interested in the current price of stock, the speculative aspect of it, rather than the support of thriving companies and creation of long-term wealth for shareholders.

Lange-Bogle 6: The Cause of the Recession and How to Fix It
John Bogle, founder and former CEO of Vanguard, talks to Attorney and CPA, Jim Lange, about the terrible fraud perpetrated by mortgage companies and how the severed link between the borrower and the lender sent our economy into a tail spin. If Bogle were Czar, he would pass a federal statute eliminating conflicts of interest and demanding fiduciary duty of money managers.

Lange-Bogle 7: The Need for Full Disclosure
IRA expert and best-selling author, Jim Lange and John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, discuss the need for an industry standard for full disclosure of not only potential conflicts of interest, but also the true cost of unreasonable fees and commissions. John Bogle feels that fees are often underestimated and if the public truly understood the costs of the investment choices they made, the world would be a different place in which to live and invest.

Lange-Bogle 8: "Don't do something, just stand there!"
James Lange, CPA/Attorney and host of The Lange Money Hour and John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, talk about the history of success in indexing and how the passive strategy behind "Bogle's Folly" (the Vanguard 500 Index) went from foolishness to genius with decades of proven results. Active managers do not beat their benchmarks a strong majority of the time. Owning all the companies and holding them forever has been proven a winning strategy and, in Bogle's opinion, is the only way of being a true investor.

Lange-Bogle 9: Time is Your Friend, Impulse is Your Enemy.
James Lange, CPA/Attorney and host of The Lange Money Hour and John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, talk about the importance of not relying on past performance to predict future results and the miracle of compounding interest. Like the Law of Gravity, Reversion to the Mean is an eternal rule. What goes up must go down, even in the stock markets. Time is your friend (the miracle of compounding pays off hugely). Focus on the long term. Resist the impulse during periods of adversity and fear.

Lange-Bogle 10: Simple Rules for Investment Success
Noted IRA expert and estate planning attorney, James Lange and John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, go over a few of the "10 Simple Rules" laid out in Bogle's newest book, The Clash of the Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation. These are some new twists on classic Bogle investment advice, or "Bogleisms," including: "Buy Right and Hold Tight," "The Bagel and the Donut," "Forget the Needle, Buy the Haystack," and "Minimize the Croupiers Take." Beware of your market returns being overwhelmed by the tyranny of long term compounding of your costs.

Lange-Bogle 11: There is No Escaping Risk
Less volatility doesn't mean less risk. It means different risk. IRA expert and best-selling author, Jim Lange and John Bogle, founder of Vanguard, discuss the dangers of ignoring inflation risk. Many retired people do not want to incur any risk, but there is no escaping it. Over time inflation eats away at the value and purchasing power of your money. John Bogle explains that you need to incur some volatility and investment risk in order to build a retirement fund.

Lange-Bogle 12: Beware of Fighting the Last War

In this video, John Bogle, founder of Vanguard and CPA, attorney and best-selling author Jim Lange, review some of the investment wisdom imparted in Bogle's most recent book, The Clash of the Cultures: Investment vs. Speculation. Mr. Bogle warns us not to listen to history! As interesting as it may be, where investment is concerned, it doesn't repeat itself. The founder of Vanguard also suggests something you may not expect... throw your statements away and don't ever look at them!  Fox versus hedgehog.  The foxes know a lot of things but the hedgehogs know only ONE great thing.

James Lange Talks to John Bogle
John Bogle, founder of The Vanguard Group, tells James Lange his most important piece of advice for investors.

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