Monday 19 January 2015

Judged by past history, you always had a chance to buy them back at substantially lower levels at some time later.

Another encouraging element for the preceptor is found in the strong warp of continuity that seems to underlie the pattern of financial change.

Important developments affecting broad groups of security values do not come suddenly or in one piece.

An excellent example is found in the long term course of the stock market; this has never moved to permanently higher levels without retreating at least once to former territory.

Hence, investors who sold out representative stocks at what seemed a high price as judged by past history have always had a chance to buy them back at substantially lower levels at some later time.

This proved true in spite of the inflationary effects of the First World War and again of the Second World War, and it also was notoriously true after the extreme market advance of 1928 - 29.

Benjamin Graham
The Intelligent Investor


Here are the charts of KLSE and the annual returns of KLSE.

Observe for yourself whether the statement by Benjamin Graham above holds true.

It generally is so but how can you hope to profit from this strategy?

Annual Stock Market Returns in KLSE

2005      -0.84%   
2006      21.83%   
2007      31.82%   
2008     -39.33%   
2009      45.17%   
2010      19.34%   
2011        0.78%   
2012       10.34%   
2013       10.54%   
2014      -5.66%

MSCI Malaysia (price) index

2005      -1.52%
2006      33.11%
2007      41.54%
2008      -43.39%
2009      47.79%
2010      32.51%
2011      -2.92%
2012      10.76%
2013      4.17%
2014      -13.41%

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