Tuesday 22 December 2015

Arguing against market timing

1.  While waiting for the market to fall, it is possible to miss out on growth in companies with good prospects (some ten-baggers made their biggest moves during bad markets).

2.  Following the fashionable trend may lead to serious mistakes in the choice of investment targets.

The market is overvalued when there are no suitable investments at suitable prices.

There is no reason to worry about an overvalued market.

The way you will know when the market is overvalued is when you cannot find a single company that is reasonably priced or that meets your other criteria for investment.  (Lynch and Rothchild, 2000)

Peter Lynch holds the same view as Buffett on market timing.

Lynch doesn't believe in predicting markets, but believes in buying great companies - "especially companies that are undervalued, and/or under-appreciated."

"Things inside humans make them terrible stock market timers.  The unwary investor continually passes in and out of three emotional states:  concern, complacency, and capitulation."

Both investors prefer falling markets.

A good 300 point drop creates some bargains that are the "holy grail of the true stock picker."

The loss of 10 to 30% of  net worth in a market sell-off is of little importance.

Peter Lynch views a correction not as a disaster, but as an opportunity to add to a portfolio at low prices:  

"This is how great fortunes are made over time."

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