Tuesday 6 September 2016

Lessons from Charlie Munger- IV

Mar 3, 2011

In the previous article, we had discussed how a wrong set of incentives across the entire economic system was responsible for the US financial crisis. Today, please do not panic, for we are going to talk about love.

Liking and loving tendency
Love is one of the most basic of emotions. The very first manifestation of it is between a mother and the new-born child. For a child, this earliest experience has far reaching effects. The child learns to love and to be loved in return. It becomes a kind of a programming device. And it extends not only towards people, but also towards things, ideas and concepts. Of course, the child learns to dislike and hate as well. But we'll limit this piece to our tendency to love and to like.

This tendency to love has its own set of side effects. It acts as a conditioning device and often distorts our perceptions. To make it simple, think of someone you love- your spouse, your kid, your favourite actor or cricketer. You could also think of any idea or belief that is very dear to you. Now ask yourself these questions:
  • Do you tend to ignore their faults? Do you readily comply with their wishes?
  • Do you favour people, products, and actions merely associated with them?
  • Do you distort any unpleasant facts about them?
Now why are we talking about all this? Has it got anything to do with investments and stocks? Most certainly yes! We are firmly of the belief that being a successful investor requires discipline and a sound emotional make-up.

Have a look at your stock portfolio. There is one very common error that most investors do with stocks that they own. Once they have bought a stock, they automatically start developing a feeling of affection towards it. Don't we often hear people raving about certain blue chips with an admiration that borders around reverence? Any negative comment about them will either be ignored, dismissed or defended. It almost seems like a marriage brimming with loyalty and affection. Take the so-called "hot" sector stocks. Don't they often cause many a feeble hearts to melt? And what happens to all thoughts about business and valuation? Well, well, well... You know best. We dislike challenging and reasoning with things and ideas that we love.

Our bottom line is this. Do fall in love, but not with your stocks. Love your capital and do the best you can to protect it and to help it grow. And what better of doing that than being a disciplined value investor!


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