Saturday 14 January 2017

What's good for Wall Street is not necessarily good for investors.

How Wall Street does its business?

It has a very short-term focus. 

For example, Wall Street makes money up-front on commissions (not from long-term performance).

Therefore the Wall Street will always push for churn and will always push "hot" investments.

Is this business model fundamentally wrong?

Some argue that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with this business model. 

After all, many professionals make money in this manner without being responsible for the long-term results. 

It is, however, important that investors recognise this Wall Street bias, or they will be robbed blind.

This business model also encourages very short-term thinking, and a bullish bias. 

If stocks are going up, Wall Street is able to make more in the form of commissions. 

This bullish bias is seen in the percentage of stocks that are recommended by analysts versus those that are deemed "sells".

There are many examples of Wall Street's short-term bullishness that props up prices of various securities, but where those prices eventually fall dramatically. 

Take Home Message for Investors

Investors are advised to keep Wall Street's biases in mind when dealing with the Street.

Investors are to avoid depending on the Street for advice.

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