Wednesday 23 May 2018

1MDB: Malaysian Finance Minister lambasted Arul Kanda as "utterly dishonest and untrustworthy".

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Malaysian Finance Minister, Lim Guan Eng, lambasted Arul Kanda as "utterly dishonest and untrustworthy".
"Arul Kanda claimed that all financial matters were handled strictly by the company CFO and he is uncertain what the value of these investments are – or whether they exist in the first place.
"It is completely unbelievable that a highly-paid and experienced investment banker can be so irresponsibly clueless as to not know whether RM9.8bil worth of investments are even real," said Lim.
Lim said he had instructed the ministry's legal advisers to review Arul Kanda's position as president of 1MDB.
The ministry will also appoint PwC to conduct a special position audit and review of 1MDB.

Check out the video


I answered what I knew, says Arul
FMT Reporters | May 24, 2018
The 1MDB boss says he answered based on what he knew in the absence of documents to back him.

Unfair of finance minister to put me in bad light
Arul Kanda Kandasamy

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