Friday 31 August 2018

Warren Buffett Says, "I'm Buying Stocks".

@1.00 min to 1.39 min

I am buying stock and I am not buying because I think the stock is going up next year.

I am buying because I think the stock will be worth a bit more money 10 or 20 years from now.

I don't know whether they are going to go up or down tomorrow, next week, next  month or next year.

I do know good business is, in relation .... you have to measure investments in relation to each other.... and the alternative for most people it is fixed income and you get 3.02% or something like that for 30 years.

So, would you be better to invest in a company that is earning 15 to 20% on the invested capital and compound it or have a 3% bond which can never earn more than 3% while you own it?


  1. How do we know the company will consistently earning 15% (up to 20%) if no one can see the future. Unless he’s using some historical data and make some assumption/projection for the future.


  2. True. When you invest, you need to make an assessment and judgement of the growth of the company going forward. You get some guide from historical data, but you will need to project the future growth based on your assumptions and reasons.
