Wednesday 3 October 2018

How "safe is your money? Think about money from the standpoint of what you think it will buy now and later.

"Money is (always) safe"

Money is only good for what it will buy.

Its purchasing power has been decreasing steadily over the ages.

It certainly isn't safe in the sense intended by the hoarder or the frightened widow.

"Keep your money working"

This is just as much of a fallacy in its way as thinking that "Money is (always) safe."

Middle Path

You would do best steering a middle course.

Think about money from the standpoint of what you think it will buy now and later.

If you feel it will buy more later, hang on to it.

If you feel it will buy less,

  • spend it for something you are intending to buy; or 
  • invest it if you think investments will be more costly later.

Think of money as you do of anything else that fluctuates.

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