Thursday 7 May 2020

Why paid trading tips are sometimes more dangerous?

Why paid trading tips are sometimes more dangerous?

You can lose your investment amount from free trading tips but what about paid tips. Surprisingly paid tips can make you suffer more because in this you not only lose your invested amount but also your subscription amount.

Just conduct a basic Google search. You will find several trading tips provider showcase fabulous past performance, promise 50%-100% monthly return and offer 2-3 days free trial.

Any stock tips provider can trap you from offering 4 days free trial tips.

Now, let’s see how this scam actually works. Initially I had 5,000 subscribers. I divide them into two groups (2,500 each) – Group A and Group B. I send “Buy” call to Group A and “Sell” call to Group B. Now, either the stock price will move up or down. So, one of them will be surely correct. I already noted which one is correct. The stock moved up, so “Buy” call to Group A was correct. I retain Group A and discard Group B. Now I have 2,500 subscribers (Group A) and repeat the process. Divide the 2,500 into two groups, send “Buy” call to one and “Sell” call to another. One must be correct. I again retain the correct one and discard the group that received wrong trading call. I repeat the same process for 4 consecutive days and end up with a group of 312 people who received all 4 correct tips. You may be the one among those 312 people.

Now, you can imagine how people get trapped into this scam. 

I can easily reach out to those 312 “Target” subscribers over phone call for follow-up and final subscription payment. Out of 312 even if 50% i.e. 156 subscribers finally opt for paid 6 months subscription, then also I can easily earn their huge fees. So, earning big money  based on nothing rather simply cheating others is a serious deal and an easy task. The beauty of this strategy is after getting 1 wrong call the same person is not receiving further calls. Out of the 5,000 group 312 subscribers are getting right on every occasion and it becomes very easy to trap them.

In real life you will find many trading tips provider claiming 90%- 95% success ratios. 

Interestingly all of them are claiming 90%-95% or even 100% success ratio and showcasing fabulous past performance. Subscription fees are always on higher side.

Next time onwards, if anyone mentions such bullshit like “90%-95% accurate trading tips for 50%+ monthly gain with 2 days trial”, simply ask why you guys don’t trade on your own. If your calls are so accurate then what’s the necessity of selling tips. If they still keep on talking rubbish, simply disconnect the call.

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