Thursday 20 August 2020

Financial Shenanigans: A Holistic Approach to Detecting Financial Shenanigans

What to look for when reviewing financial statements and searching for financial shenanigans. 

 A Holistic Approach to Detecting Financial Shenanigans 

Just as the three branches of government rein in bad behavior by government officials, the three financial statements help to protect investors from misbehaving corporate executives. 

  • Specifically, investors can sniff out Earnings Manipulation Shenanigans by scrutinizing the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Cash Flows. 
  • Similarly, they can detect signs of misleading operating cash flow by finding unusual or troubling changes on the Statement of Income and the Balance Sheet. 
  • Additionally, investors can use the supplementary disclosures and key metrics provided by management as another form of “checks and balances.”


Financial Shenanigan 
Warnings on Other Financial Statements 

Earnings Manipulation Shenanigans 

Boosted income by capitalizing operating costs 
SCF: Capital expenditures surged 

Transaction Systems Architects 
Recorded revenue too soon 
BS: Rapid increase in long-term and unbilled receivables 

Boosted income with one-time gain 
SCF: Gain on investment sale in Operating section 

Boosted income by capitalizing operating costs 
BS: Deferred marketing costs exploded 

Cash Flow Shenanigans 

Inflated CFFO using acquisitions 
BS: Receivables increase differs on BS and SCF 

Home Depot 
Boosted CFFO with unsustainable gain 
BS: Accounts payable surged 

Sun Microsystems 
Boosted CFFO with unsustainable gain 
IS: One-time litigationrelated gain

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