Thursday 14 March 2024



• Local edge is useful, since Wall Street 
ignores/overlooks valuable assets.

• Railroads, TV stations, minerals, oil & gas,
timber, newspapers, real estate, depreciation
on assets that appreciate over time, patents,
cash, subsidiary valuations, foreign owner
priced cheaper than local subsidiary, tax
loss carry forwards, goodwill amortization,
brands, holding company / conglomerate
discount, depreciated assets that don’t need
maintenance capex but still produce FCF
(rental equipment EPS = 0, but FCF =3)

People Examples
• Never do wells, trust fund men, squires, bon
• Live off family fortunes but never labour –
issue is what will be left after payments for
travel, liquor, creditors etc.

PB Ratio
• If 2-5x is the expected return, then entry
point for P/NAV = 20-50%

2 Minute Drill
• What are the assets and what’s their worth?
• Stock = $8, but video cassette division = $4
and Real Estate = $7. That a bargain in itself
and the rest of the company = ($3). Insiders
are buying and the company has steady
earnings. There is no debt to speak of.

• NAV? Any hidden assets?
• Debt – does leverage detract from asset
value? Is new debt being added?
• Catalyst – how will value get unlocked?
Raider / activist?

Portfolio Allocation %
• 0% - NO Allocation

• Low Risk – High Gain, IF you’re sure that
NAV = 2-5x current price
• If wrong, you probably don’t lose much

• If company isn’t going on a debt binge and
reducing NAV

Sell When
• Catalyst occurs – without raider/catalyst,
you may sit for ages
• Management dilutes/diworseifies
• Institutional ownership rises to 60% from 25
• Instead of a subsidiary selling for $100, it
sells for $60 - calculated NAV maybe inflated
• Tax rate deduction reduces value of tax loss
carry forwards

The Peter Lynch Playbook

Twitter@mjbaldbard 3

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