Monday 15 June 2009

Buying commodities. When?

Buying commodities when inflation and economic growth are both strong

Commodities are raw materials. Economic growths is good for commodity prices because a growing economy needs more inputs. Inflation is also good for commodity prices because commodities are tangible assets rising in price as the value of paper money declines.

Like all markets, the commodity markets have some large moves driven by a consensus on the fundamentals, which drive the price further than generally expected. So the idea here is to identify those periods where growth and inflation are strong, and then to take a long term view with a trading position.

Related posts:
Buying commodities. When?
Trade in a basket of commodities
CRB Index
Long periods of high growth and high inflation are rare
The recent commodity story has been all about China
Warning: Watch out for US dollar exposure in commodities trading

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