Tuesday 1 September 2009

Cramer's 25 Investing Rules

1. Pigs Get Slaughtered
2. It's OK to Pay the Taxes
3. Don't Buy All at Once
4. Buy Damaged Stocks
5. Diversify to Control Risk
6. Do Your Homework
7. Don't Panic
8. Buy Best-of-Breed
9. Defend Some Stocks
10. Don't Bet on Bad Stocks
11. Own Fewer Names
12. Cash Is for Winners
13. No Regrets
14. Expect Corrections
15. Know Bonds
16. Don't Subsidize Losers
17. No Room for Hope
18. Be Flexible
19. Quit When Execs Do
20. Patience Is a Virtue
21. Be a TV Critic
22. When to Wait 30 Days
23. Beware the Hype
24. Explain Your Picks
25. Find the Bull Market

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