Tuesday 1 September 2009

Ride your Winners, Dump your Losers

Ride your Winners, Dump your Losers

If you are a momentum trader that trade purely on the basis of a surge in price and high trading volume, it is wise to scramble for the exit when the stock loses its momentum. However if you have picked the stock on the basis of its valuation, the fact that it drops more means it is even better value – time to buy more instead of sell. Obviously if the fundamentals (future prospects and changing sector conditions) of the company have deteriorated, you may need to admit your mistake and sell.

This theory sounds more credible than it really is in countering the human tendency to keep the losers. The fact that it identifies a stock as a winner or loser on the basis of the entry price already introduces an element of subjectivity. An emotion free investor would only look objectively at the fundamentals and the valuation of the stock, instead of getting hung up on the entry price.


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