Friday 13 November 2009



The P/E ratio gives us an idea of how much the investors are willing to pay for the company's earnings. The higher the P/E, more the chances of good earnings in the future and the higher premium investors are ready to pay for that anticipated growth. A lower ratio on the other hand means just the opposite; that the market has ruled out the company.

But just because the ratio is very high or very low cannot help investors to make a decision. A high P/E can also be an overpriced stock. Also if one stock has double the P/E of another stock in the same industry, but with the same rate of earnings growth, it is not seen to be a wise investment as more money has to be shelled out. A low P/E ratio may be a market that was overlooked. The investors who discover the true worth of such stocks make big fortunes overnight.

There are various interpretations for the P/E value and this is just one of them:
*N/A: A company with no earnings has an undefined P/E ratio. Companies with losses or negative earnings also fall under this category.
*0-10: This means that the company's earnings are declining. It could also mean an overlooked stock.
*10-17: This is the average healthy value
*17-25: This means that the stock is either overvalued or its earnings are increasing.
*25+: Such companies are expected to have high future growth in earnings.

It is important that investors note avoid basing a decision on this measure alone. The ratio is dependent on share price which can fluctuate according to changes in the market.

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