Friday 13 November 2009

When to start investing for retirement

When to start investing for retirement
by Janet Grischy

The best time to prepare for your retirement is when it seems much too far off to worry about. People in their twenties and early thirties know they have years before retirement, but they may not know how quickly those years will pass. Money put into a retirement vehicle in your youth is worth ten times or more what the same amount will be worth if socked away at age 59. That's because of compounding.

Compounding is the magic ingredient in retirement investing. It can turn a pile of small investments into millions, given time. The longer an investment has to grow, the more likely you'll retire as a billionaire. This is because as the years pass you get a return on your investment, and then a return on the return, and then a return on the return on the return, and so on.

Many people start investing for retirement when they get their first "real" job, when their company or union makes a payroll deduction plan available to them. That way, money is taken out of their pay before they ever see it, and preparing for the future is easy, because it's automated. Americans who are self-employed, or who change jobs often, need to start their own investment plan, making it a habit to consistently put money in an IRA or Keogh each pay period.

Money in an IRA or Keogh avoids taxes, either when it's put in or when it is taken out, and it's all quite legal! Without the drag of taxes to slow you down, you can invest more, faster. It will grow much faster too. Your investing also helps your country, by adding to the stock of capital available to business and industry.

Another good time to invest is in your thirties and forties. Now you are mature, and acquainted with the financial realities of life. You have a clear idea of the kind of retirement you want, and can make a plan to go after it. You'll have to save a bit more than you would have if you'd started sooner, but you may be making more than you did then, too.

Even the fifties and sixties are a good time to start investing for retirement. The government knows that you have to make up for the investments you neglected to make earlier, so it permits larger contributions to your IRA at this age. The sense of urgency you feel will also help guide you when you make decisions that will affect your finances.

When is the best time to prepare for your future by investing for retirement? There's a simple answer to that question. Now.

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